In this podcast, I discuss two fundamental dimensions of benchmarking Software-Defined-Storage systems, and in particular Ceph. Everyone starts out with a very simple benchmark; it’s important to understand its limitations and what you might want to look at instead.

In this post, you can find the corresponding script, or at elast what I intended to say. In case you prefer reading text or have trouble with my audio recording, this is for you!



Hello and welcome everyone to an introduction to benchmarking software-defined-storage systems, notably Ceph. In particular, we will look at a common conflation of two concepts that are actually orthogonal to each other: throughput and latency.

We will conclude today’s discussion by seeing how they should properly meet, and how you can influence them in your system.

My name is Lars Marowsky-Brée, and it is my pleasure to be your host for this session. Since this is the first in the series, a quick introduction: I am the architect for SUSE’s Enterprise Storage product, which is powered by the Open Source Ceph project. I also represent SUSE on the Ceph Advisory Board. I have been with SUSE since 2000 and with Linux and Open Source since 1994. I am specifically interested in distributed systems and storage.


I also must add a disclaimer; this is somewhat of a simplification. There are many more factors that affect this and dimensions to discuss. Here, we only pick two of them, and ignore most everything else except in passing. Your environment might thus differ.

That said …

How everyone starts

So, you have built a shiny new Ceph cluster. Either as a pilot, proof-of-concept, lab, or for production; eventually, you will want to know how fast this thing goes!

Or in more professional terms, whether it meets the performance requirements of your use case, your Service Level Agreements, and whether you need to add resources or can even save some funds.

What everyone does next is to grab a client system and run a load test against it - with a tool like Jens’s fantastic Flexible I/O Tester, that is the simplest test to run.

Perhaps you are even lucky enough to have several clients, so you start all the runs at the same time and add up the throughput numbers they report, and there you go - 100 Gigabytes/s.

Bam! All done.

Shock sets in

But you are more savvy than this. You know that there are two more numbers that matter - latency and Input/Output operations per second (IOPS for short).

And you look at that benchmark report you just got again and … woah, latency is really, really bad! This system ain’t no good!

Now, before you rip everything apart and throw it out of the window,

Let’s take a step back.

In particular, let’s look at what these dimensions mean, and that will help us understand why you did not measure what you thought it did.

Let’s also introduce a metaphor that we are all familiar with: transferring cargo by road.

  • Throughput is the easiest one to understand. How much data did the cluster read or write during the time period?

    Or within our metaphor, how much cargo was transferred?

  • Latency is the time it took for these individual requests to be completed. This is not well represented as a single number, not even as an average or median; you really need to look at the distribution here.

    After all, we need all of a transaction’s data to be transferred, not just half of it really fast, and then forever for that last bit, before we can complete it.

    This has a very simple analogy in our metaphor as well - how long did it take for a particular piece of cargo to be delivered? How fast does the road allow you to go?

  • Finally, IOPS provide insight into how many individual operations per second the cluster completed. Or put differently, how many vehicles did the road handle? If you multiply this number with the payload of the requests, you get to the throughput number; the relationship with latency is slightly more complicated.

What do you want to measure?

How do you transfer as much cargo as possible over a given stretch of road? Well, you load up the biggest trucks allowed with as much cargo as they can handle in the largest containers, and whenever there’s a free stretch of road, you squeeze another truck in! Who cares if they have to wait as long as the road flows.

If you’re building that road, you will add as many lanes as you can, and prioritize literal bandwidth over the speed limit.

And how would you see how quickly you can get a courier package from point A to point B? You pick the lightest envelope, and hand it to a courier on a blazingly fast motorcycle with no additional weight to slow them down.

If you build and can control the road, you might even go for a single lane - it does not need to be wide, but it needs to be absolutely smooth, preferably straight, no intersections.

And for sure without a single truck in sight.

Going back to our benchmark report

We now realize what happened. We ran a test that absolutely congested our road, squeezing out the last bit of throughput, and then looked at how long it took to transfer an individual package under those circumstances.

Clearly, that doesn’t work so well. There are many factors that play against us then.

It takes longer to transfer a large package; yet, a large package is the most efficient way of transferring lots of data. There’s simply less overhead relative to the payload, at all layers.

Especially with spinning hard disks, they are much better at streaming data than many small, random IO requests. The disk head must seek, and that causes contention and delays.

The network might have been optimized for bandwidth - and opted to go with 40 GbE instead of 25 GbE ports. Yet in fact, 40 GbE is composed of 4 lanes of 10 GbE each; processing data at 10 GbE latencies. Whereas the 25 GbE would have been a single lane with much better individual latency. (And 100 GbE would be the equivalent bundle.)

Now: better benchmarks

Doing said benchmark with a single “fast courier” would not be very realistic either. Such synthetic benchmarks are useful from a developer’s point of view, since they help us understand specific, isolated properties of the system. Translating from these to real world use cases however is a dark and mysterious art.

A better benchmark would be more representative of a user’s actual workload. And how to achieve this is fairly clear in the light of our previous discussion. We need to measure the system when it is neither fully saturated, nor unrealistically empty.

What we actually want to know is what load the system can sustain without degrading - meaning while still achieving the latency target we need.

fio to the rescue

Thankfully, our Swiss Army knife fio has two approaches of helping us out here.

The first stop might be the obvious one that seems to achieve our goal directly: the [latency_target job option][]. I would recommend to lower the latency percentile to something more real world, which is never perfect - say, 99.999 percent. Now, fio will start the test run with finding the maximum throughput the system can sustain while maintaining our latency target automatically.

However, this is not dynamically adjusted over the run, and if you’re running a test with multiple clients, you can get strange effects when they all try to find that sweet spot at the very same time. The test period is also fairly brief, which might not account for the ramp up time of a distributed storage system well.

rate limiting individual jobs

The second approach is to limit the IO rate of our system via the [rate job option][].

My recommended approach here would be to run the saturation test we started out with first. And then, knowing the maximum, run the test again at each ten percent increment. In this way, we will also gain a much better understanding of the performance curve of our system.

What load factor to aim for?

Just like the autobahn, you would not run your system under maximum load all the time. Any system needs some amount of performance buffer - you need to maintain your SLAs even during reconstruction periods, and real world work loads tend to have spikes.

As a rule of thumb, and depending on your price sensitivity, I would recommend to aim for a load factor between twenty-five and fifty percent at normal operations.

It is quite likely your initial pilot deployment did not perfectly reach your goal - so how to adjust?

Scaling in response

There are two key dimensions in which we can scale our system.


First, bandwidth. Ceph excels at scaling out - adding storage devices and nodes to the system. Due to Ceph’s inherent pseudo-random distribution of data across all storage devices, as long as the networking layers do not saturate, you get pretty much linearly more bandwidth potential. Especially for spinning media, this also reduces spindle contention massively.

This in turn lowers the respective saturation our system is under at a given load factor, and thus improves the potential load our system can take without degrading.

Yet, the performance of a single optimal request does not improve quite as much. Which brings us to our second dimension:


Latency. The optimal latency a system can achieve is determined by summing up the time of all the steps a request goes through - the network layer, CPU processing time, even RAM, busses, and finally the low-level storage device latency.

Potential ways to improve this are swapping 10 GbE for 25 GbE networking, going from 3 Gbit/s SAS to 12 Gbit/s bus, or eliminating spindle contention by swapping spinning rust for all-flash; or at least using a hybrid solution to reduce it.

These will lower the base line latency of the system, and reduce how much it degrades under increased load.

Buyer beware

While trying to remain clear and concise, the engineer in me reminds us again that actual results will depend on many factors, some having a quite counter-intuitive impact, such as possibly compression.

It is also mandatory to test the real services and applications on your cluster, and to also test them under adverse conditions.

There are also many tuning options that can help us get more out of existing hardware. While many Ceph distributions strive to set good defaults, your use case might vary.

Still, understanding these two dimensions and their intersection is a key step in designing better Ceph clusters!

In conclusion

We have now discussed latency versus throughput, and how to merge these two into a more representative benchmark. We have also briefly touched on how to then leverage these numbers to improve the decisions with regard to our system architecture.

With this in mind, we can be more confident about choosing the right hardware and the right amount of hardware for our needs.

Wrap up

I hope you found this podcast useful. I would love to hear your feedback: on [Twitter][] or by reaching out to me directly at L M B at SUSE dot com. I also very much welcome corrections, questions, and suggestions for further instalments.

And, please, spread the word and link!

Thanks for your time and have a great day.